Envision a world where every institution is accountable and each individual leads a life of choice in personal, economic and political spheres.
Advance social change through public policy. Our work in education, livelihood, governance and policy training promotes choice and accountability across private and public sectors. To translate policy into practice, we engage with policy and opinion leaders through research, projects and policy training.
We champion individual choice, institutional accountability and social change through public policy by carrying out evidence-based research in education, livelihoods and governance.
Engaging with policy and opinion leaders in order to reform the education landscape in India, through:
We aim to expand school choice and promote quality education by analysing the regulatory framework governing K-12 education, gathering on-ground evidence on the state of the sector, and developing institutional roadmaps based on sound principles of agency design. We are one of the leading proponents of Separation of Functions (policy-making, regulatory, and service delivery functions) in education governance in India. We have also been at the forefront of changing the discourse from inputs to outcomes in school education.
Developing and testing implementation models that are scalable and replicable basis the proposed intervention routes.
Spreading awareness through opinion leaders and policymakers, shaping public opinion and promoting evidence-based policy reform.
Support livelihood freedom by removing the various regulatory barriers that hamper the prosperity of individuals working across various sectors. These include barriers to entry, barriers to exit, and operational barriers that limit the choices of those working in that sector. Our work across multiple domains include Street Vendors, Fisheries, Agriculture, and MSMEs through publishing research papers, policy briefs, videos, blogs, and matrices to show the impact of these restrictions and potential changes that can be made to reform the regulatory framework.
Rule of law remains central to the promotion and protection of individual freedoms. We aim to ensure that laws reflect the will of the people, protect individual rights, improve incentives, and ensure efficient allocation of resources. We also check against burdensome, obsolete, and inconsistent laws that thwart both choice and growth.