About the Book:

The Amazon Raniforest takes care of itself through small bushfires thus avoiding a massive fire which can take down the forest. In contrast, the Federal Reserve has been dousing the ‘economic bushfires’ for decades by raining liquidity, and in the process, pushing the USA towards an inferno: The Great Depression.

In this book, the author compares economic progress under the gold standard and the current monetary system prevailing since 1971. He effectively establishes that the US dollar is on fragile foundations which in the long run will lead to a collapse in its purchasing power. Of essence is the thesis that NOW is that “long run”.

“RIP USD” is an invitation to look beyond the horizon, to question the presumed permanence of established institutions and to consider what lies beyond the reign of currencies and central banks.

You can buy the book here

About the Author:

Shanmuganathan. N has extensive consulting experience in more than 10 countries in North America & Europe. He has penned more than 100 columns in newsletters worldwide espousing the ideals of Laissez Faire Economics.

Book Launch: RIP USD: 1971 - 202X ...and the Way Forward
  • 28 Jun 2024
  • 4:00 PM - 6:00 PM
  • Constitution Club of India, New Delhi
Registration Fee