Briefs & Reports
89 results found
09 March, 2021
RegData India: A quantitative analysis of national laws in India

Quantitative metrics on volume and linguistic complexity of 876 national laws of India

17 October, 2020
Governance challenges in K-12 education in India

Significant work has been done on de facto operations of state functionaries (World Bank 2004; Posani and Aiyar 2009; Aiyar, Chaudhuri and Wallack 2010; Pritchett 2018; Centre for Civil Society 201

03 October, 2020
Regulation for New Realities- A Cross-Sectoral Analysis during COVID-19

"COVID-19 took the world by shock. What started as a small infection has spread across several countries, inflicting harm to millions of people and setting the global economy back by decades.