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05 November, 2020
Spontaneous Dialogue Ep 2: Decoding India's Onion Crisis

The government has policies related to exports, imports, transportation, and even storage of onions. Why is the price of onions so volatile, reaching as high as Rs.180 at least once every year?

20 October, 2020
Spontaneous Dialogue Ep 1: From Annadata to Farmpreneur - Do farm laws benefit farmers?"

As the debate around the current agri-reforms refuses to settle, it's imperative to take a deep dive into these reforms and try to understand how exactly they will benefit the farmer.

17 October, 2020
Governance challenges in K-12 education in India

Significant work has been done on de facto operations of state functionaries (World Bank 2004; Posani and Aiyar 2009; Aiyar, Chaudhuri and Wallack 2010; Pritchett 2018; Centre for Civil Society 201