India slips to 87th out of 165 countries on economic freedom index: Report

India has fallen one notch to the 87th position out of 165 countries on the economic freedom index, according to a report released on Thursday.

The country was at the 86th spot in previous year's rankings. The 'Economic Freedom of the World: 2021 Annual Report' by Canada's Fraser Institute has been released in India in conjunction with New Delhi-based think tank Centre For Civil Society. "...

The 'Economic Freedom of the World: 2021 Annual Report' by Canada's Fraser Institute has been released in India in conjunction with New Delhi-based think tank Centre For Civil Society.

"From 1980 to now, India's rating has gone up considerably, from 4.90 to 6.62 but, our rank has fallen. This means while India is improving considerably in absolute terms but is not doing enough relative to other countries," it said.

However, in South Asia, India is doing pretty well, as per the report.


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