This guidebook is based on Centre for Civil Society's pilot programme Patang, which was implemented in two private schools in Delhi. The objective of Patang was to understand the issues arising from one of the provisions of the Right to Education act (RTE). Section 12 (1)(C) of the RTE Act requires aided and unaided private schools to reserve at least 25% of their entry-level seats for children from economically and socially disadvantaged communities (EWDS). The provision has been severely contested and several systemic and classroom level issues have also been raised against this provision. Patang focuses only on the classroom impact of such a reservation. It was designed as an intervention to understand:
the challenges of inclusion in private schools enrolling EWDS students under the reservation category
efforts required to address these challenges
the policy implications for improving inclusion in schools.
The guidebook with details of the programme also highlights the struggles and successes of the intervention. It provides concrete steps to help schools create an inclusive environment for students especially those from the EWDS background.

State Regulatory Profile Uttar Pradesh
This report critically examines the regulatory framework over K-12 sector education in Uttar Pradesh along with its structure, mechanisms and enforcement areas.