The Bamboo Industry in India Supply Chain Structure, Challenges and RecommendationsAniket Baksy, CCS working Paper no. 283
Autonomy of Schools in Delhi A Comparative StudyAayushi Gupta, CCS working Paper no. 284
Community Ownership of YamunaAsmita Aarshi, CCS working Paper no. 285
A Case for Gender Neutral Rape Laws in IndiaJai Vipra, CCS working Paper no. 286
Citizen Participation and Good Governance in New DelhiShivangi Jain, CCS working Paper no. 287
Structural Adjustment Economic Panacea or Development AilmentSamar Rizvi, CCS working Paper no. 288
Birth of an Idea Vouchers for Maternal Healthcare in IndiaSonali Chowdhry, CCS working Paper no. 289
Dalit Self-Help Groups in DelhiSonali Chowdhry and Jai Vipra, CCS working Paper no. 290
The PDS, Cash Transfers and Nutrition in Urban India An Analysis of The Nutritional Status of Poor Households in Delhi and Their Preference for PDS Over Cash TransfersAniket Baksy, Aashna Jaggi and Aayushi Gupta, CCS working Paper no. 291
Privatising Sewage Treatment in DelhiAsmita Aarshi, CCS working Paper no. 292
Contract Farming through Farmer Producer Organizations (FPOs) in IndiaVarun Prasad, CCS working Paper no. 293
You Can Bribe The practicalities of implementing legal immunity for the bribe giverKhemta Jose, CCS working Paper no. 294
Organizations ‘of’ The Disabled Charity vs. Self-Help A Case for Participatory Inclusion Through Decision-Making for Empowerment of The DisabledPrachi Saxena, CCS working Paper no. 295
Partition Why India Needs a Two-Party System to Increase Transparency, Empower the Electorate, and End The Communalization of Indian PoliticsEvan Welber, CCS working Paper no. 296
Designing a Single Window Program to identify potential beneficiaries of Government Schemes in IndiaShivangi Jain, Samar Rizvi and Varun Prasad, CCS working Paper no. 297
Curbing Counterfeit Drug Production in IndiaAmit Summan, CCS working Paper no. 298
Private Provision of Urban UtilitiesAbhinav Singh, CCS working Paper no. 299
Liberalism in IndiaAnjali Kumar, CCS working Paper no. 300
Gender and Labour LawArushi Massey, CCS working Paper no. 301
Food Vouchers An Effective Delivery AlternativeNilayan Dasgupta, CCS working Paper no. 302
Civil Society in India Making Good Governance a RealityChandar Prabha Sharma, CCS working Paper no. 303
Perspectives of Teacher's Unions on Challenges to Education in IndiaSoumya Gupta, CCS working Paper no. 304
Stakeholders in Street BeggingAanchal Gupta, CCS working Paper no. 305
Analysis of The Privately-Owned Metro In Gurgaon With A Focus on Its Revenue Generation Model and Its Comparison To The Rail Systems of TokyoSumit Bhagat, CCS working Paper no. 306
Low Cost Technology Options for Sanitation in IndiaUmme Fardina Adil, CCS working Paper no. 307
Indian Legal Framework and Women’s Freedom to WorkDeeksha Gehlot, CCS Working Paper No. 308