The Department for the Welfare of SC/ST/OBC/Minorities introduced the SC/ST tuition-fee reimbursement scheme in 2003-2004 for SC and ST students of Delhi enrolled in recognized unaided private schools, having an annual family income of less than Rs. 1 lakh. The subsidy provided by the scheme covers between 85% and 90% of the beneficiary's total running expenses in studying in a private school. This study concludes that the scheme's performance has been suboptimal vis-à-vis its stated objectives. It brings to light several issues that must be addressed to make the scheme work more effectively.
Author / Edited by:
Parul Sharma
Setting up the Sentinel: Agency Design of the Law Commission of India
A brief that reviews the Law Commission’s present structure, highlights areas for improvement, and proposes a way forward to reengineer the institution