At A Glance

Research at CCS focuses on three verticals: Education, Livelihood and Governance. We study the regulatory frameworks in these sectors, examine their on-ground implementation, document their impact on key stakeholders, and suggest ways forward. We also test pilot projects to understand how our interventions function. Our work aims to identify regulatory barriers that come in the way of free enterprise, voluntary exchange, individual choice, and institutional accountability. We adopt a variety of research methodologies including surveys, case studies, legal analysis, quantitative and qualitative analysis, focus group discussions, and semi-structured interviews to build evidence and drive policy reform.

Our Wins
Architects of Tomorrow: Celebrating 25 Visionaries of Modern India

“Many ideas grow better when transplanted into another mind than the one that they sprung up.” Oliver Wendell Holmes

Many men and women have often been lost in India’s contemporary history for taking a stand on social, political, and economic issues around them. So, while there are written documents lost in time, this is a humble effort to celebrate the ideas and voices of some of these unknown Indian Liberals of their time.

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